Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A New Day

In all fairness, I technically began this posting on Inauguration Day but was just so overwhelmed with excitement that I only made it through to writing a title and forewent any substantive commentary regarding my emotional state.

Despite my oh so jaded and cynical view on politics and government in this country since my trying days as a campaign worker (yes, I will absolutely milk my efforts for the Obama campaign until someone slaps me in the face and tells me otherwise) I reconciled my need to squelch my starry Obama eyes for January 20. My brother Dan reminded me that it would indeed be the last official day to indulge in one last frivolous celebration in traditional Obamamania fashion. But what really gave me the extra push of motivation to get out, celebrate and really soak in the glory of the day was the fact that January 20 officially marked the end of the George W. Bush nightmare - it really was a day to dance with munchkins. He may not be dead, folks, but life ain't perfect.

I awoke that morning to sounds of marching bands and my mom screaming at me to get up and watch the opening ceremonies of what seemed to be an Olympic-esque approach to this year's inauguration. Naturally I rolled over and mumbled something about Crystal Method and going to watch the speech later that night at the Mayan. She kept screaming

Hosted by the blessed burner folk in traditional DJ Wolfie fashion at the Mayan in downtown LA, an inaugural ball took place featuring the Mutator and Crystal Method. At the beginning of the night, Obama's speech and swearing in was projected onto several large screens. Surrounded by hundreds of artists, burners, women on stilts and regular old proud liberals like myself (not nearly as cool but equally as enthusiastic), an intense energy swept over the room like a cloud of eucalyptus sauna mist so thick it was hard to breathe. One last time I could sit and be proud of the accomplishment of this country in the 2008 election with a very big dumb smile on my face. I allowed myself to become overcome by the joy of the moment despite the impending harsh reality of the future...butterflies...rainbows...It was a fantastic celebration.

But...if you think about it, how celebratory of a mood could Obama really have been in on that day? Imagine an Ed McMahon character showing up to your door but instead of a million dollar check he hands you a contract that once signed, requires you to inherit a shit ton of debt. Break out the balloons and ticker tape.

I mean, we're all pullin' for you Barack but damn.

However things turn out with this guy, I will forever be shocked and amazed that in my lifetime, I attended an event in honor of the new president that was put on by some of the most artsy, psychadelic, hippiest young adults in Los Angeles...which makes me wonder...what is the central motivation for all of the fuss?...our dislike of W or our obsession with Obama?

At one point while Obama's speech was being projected at the Mayan, a portion of the audience started booing and shouting expletives as the camera focused in on W at the inauguration. Then suddently, a young woman in a silver sequins tube top covered in sparkling rainbow glitter and artsy decorative flowers painted on her face stood up in response and yelled, "stop it you guys...today is about the LOVE!" The shouting gradually subsided.

I, of course, giggled softly and quietly condemned myself for being swept up in the energy of the angry mob of Bush haters. I had to remind myself that I'd agreed to check my cynicism and anger and returned to my dumb smile. Later on in the night things got a little hazy and at some point I ended up onstage with Crystal Method..one of those girls..ya mmhmmm. Don't judge. Like I said, the night was fantastic.

Thank you tube top lady, thank you.

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